New Update alert! Yes, have listened to our users and added our most requested feature of purchase receipt into the latest update for Reward Cards App. Now manage your store cards, club cards, loyalty cards, your shopping list and your purchase receipts, all in your phone! Now don’t stuff your purses with those receipts which you never seem to find when you really need them. Keep track of all your spending in one in place so that you never miss out of those refunds and mess up your budget.
You can store an unlimited number of payment receipts in your Reward Cards App. You can store information like the price of the products, the date and more…. imagine never losing your payment receipts ever again. It is all right there in your phone, safe and sound in your favorite loyalty card app.

Also, did you check our previous post with our new shopping list feature in the Reward Cards App? Your shopping experience is now absolutely hassle free. Create a list of the things you need to get from the store in your Reward Cards App, scan all your loyalty cards into our app and use at checkout to redeem some reward points and then store all your purchase receipts in our app too! Can your shopping experience get any better?
You can get this and more at a onetime fee of $0.99. You pay once and get these features and more for this onetime fee. We accept Google Pay, Apple Pay or credit card,
You can check out more features here, along with the must-have loyalty cards in your app, so that you don’t miss out on the lovely deals and discounts that they provide. If you have any more feature request, you can drop them off here and we will really appreciate it.